
Control system for oil wells

What is WellOptimus?

WellOptimus is a comprehensive solution for data management in the oil industry, specializing in the efficient collection and interpretation of information from wells. The system consists of a receiver base installed in each well and a family of sensors that monitor physical variables such as pressures, movements, levels and temperatures, among others.

The data collected by these sensors is processed and presented to the user through a web application, facilitating quick and effective access to the information. This capability not only allows a clear visualization of the status of the wells, but also facilitates early detection of problems and proactive decision making to optimize the operation and minimize downtime.

WellOptimus is designed to improve operational efficiency by providing advanced data analysis and management tools, thus contributing to the profitability and sustainability of operations in the oil sector.


The WellOptimus system’s receiver base offers a wide variety of connectivity options, allowing for integration with both existing technologies on the asset and new deployments as required. Available connection options include ModBus, Ethernet and RS485, as well as LoRaWAN, GPRS and satellite, providing comprehensive coverage for any situation.

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Edge/cloud processing

Data received by the WellOptimus base has the ability to be managed “on-site” directly by the receiving base itself. This allows for local processing of the data in real time, which is ideal for connecting to an existing system and not depending on other connectivity coverage options. In addition, the data can also be sent to the cloud for processing. This option offers the advantage of performing more complex analyses, long-term storage and the integration of data from multiple sites.


The WellOptimus system facilitates the installation of multiple wireless sensors that monitor various variables within the well, centralizing data collection in a single base. RFI Oil&Gas sensors are plug and play, which simplifies and speeds up both their installation and configuration. In addition, their low power consumption allows data transmission for extended periods.

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The WellOptimus system is not limited to collecting data from a single well, but also allows for the aggregation of multiple assets within a single reservoir. This approach offers clear benefits, as it provides an overview of all assets from a single point of control, without sacrificing access to detailed information on each individual well. With the mobile version of the system, these advantages are amplified, allowing for reservoir visualization and management from anywhere in the world.

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Online data visualization

WellOptimus visualization software offers rapid monitoring of asset status and access to a wide range of tools. It features a map showing the current location and status of each connected asset, as well as a timeline providing detailed historical information on each asset. The various sensors integrated into each well enrich the system by providing graphs and numerical data specific to each measured variable. This allows for a comprehensive and detailed view of each asset, facilitating the management and optimization of operations.

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Actions with AI

Data collected by sensors connected to WellOptimus is not only stored for analysis, but is also used to train proprietary neural networks. These neural networks are able to detect patterns and trends in the data, allowing them to predict and warn of the need for certain maintenance before failures occur. They also provide accurate recommendations to optimize production, not only from an individual well, but from an entire field. This predictive and optimizing approach improves operational efficiency and maximizes production, ensuring more reliable and profitable operation.