WellSentinel: Wireless Dynamometer​

Operators of oil wells in mature fields face the challenge of continuously controlling and adjusting the variables of artificial lift systems to optimize production. In Mechanical Pumping (AIB) systems, continuous monitoring allows for the quick detection of anomalies and prompt action. If an activation mechanism is also included, alerts can be received, and the process can be corrected automatically. One of the most commonly used concepts to measure the efficiency of the lifting system and preserve the lifespan of the installation is dynamometry.

WellHorizon: Digital Level Meter

The liquid levels downhole can vary unpredictably during extraction operations. It is convenient for the pump to be submerged at a liquid pressure that optimizes both its operation and the pumped flow. Being aware of fluid levels in oil wells is essential to preserve the lifespan of the installation. The use of ecometry for determining the dynamic fluid level in wells responds to a routine and extremely valuable process in the operation and maintenance of oil-producing wells. It constitutes the most cost-effective method for assessing bottomhole pressures, allowing for the optimization of production while maximizing the energy efficiency of lifting systems.

LoRaWAN / LoRaMESH Infrastructure

Se trata de dotar a la zona del yacimiento de una red IoT (internet de las cosas) Privada para monitoreo remoto de nodos varios, es una red PROPIA y EXCLUSIVA para el cliente. Con una pequeña inversión y un rápido deploy la zona está en condiciones de incorporar las soluciones de monitoreo y tele gestión de dispositivos que consideren necesarias.

Infraestructura LoRaWAN / LoRaMESH