
Telemetry and Industrial Automation Solutions for Mature Oilfields.

“Mature fields are the future. Someday, all fields will be mature.” RF Industrial Oil&Gas is a company that works to provide field operators with the necessary information to make the best production decisions.

Having real-time information allows for optimizing production, reducing operational costs, and increasing business profitability. The exploitation of hydrocarbons, where efficiency is a necessity, presents an excellent opportunity for the application of new technologies: Big Data, IoT, edge and cloud processing, and AI.

WellOptimus: Oil well control system

WellOptimus is a comprehensive data management solution for the oil industry, specializing in the efficient collection and interpretation of information from wells. The system consists of a receiver installed in each well and a family of sensors that monitor physical variables such as pressures, movements, levels and temperatures, among others.

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Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
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